Walk-In Hiring Event (003)
https://www.canoncitydailyrecord.com/2021/05/14/fremont-county-breastfeeding-coalition-trains-peer-counselors-to-support-families/ Sadie Swisher, Family Center/Early Head Start
This exciting event and fundraiser has been rescheduled for Saturday, April 24 and we’ve added a couple of new features! You can now purchase your tickets ($30 cash only per vehicle) at the event! Gates open at 6p and don’t forget to pre order and pick up your discounted pizza from Pizza Madness and popcorn and ICEES from 4 Mile…
Are you one of the fortunate who is NOT dependent on this third stimulus check? If so, please consider investing all or a portion of it in Starpoint. You may use the safe and secure Donate Now button on this website or send a check to the Starpoint Community Advisory Group, 700 S. 8th St. Canon City, CO 81212.
This exciting event and partnership fundraiser has been rescheduled for Saturday, March 24 AND we’ve added a couple of new features! Safer News Releasefinal2