Nurturing Parenting Program
Nurturing Parenting is a family centered, home visitation and parenting support program. This program is designed to serve families with children birth to age 17. Through weekly or bi-weekly home visitation and group sessions we encourage nurturing behavior and positive child/parent interactions while offering meaningful connection opportunities with other families.
Any family in Fremont County is eligible for this free service and there are no income guidelines.
Nurturing Parenting is individualized to meet each family’s specific needs, based on their parenting strengths and/or weaknesses. The certified home visitor serves as a mentor, a coach, and a resource who can connect families to valuable community resources, that support and encourage healthy families and relationships. This program is evidence and strength based, as well as trauma informed to provide reliable information for the families we serve. Our main focus is to encourage stabilization within family structures.
For additional information regarding the Nurturing Parenting Program, call 719-275-0550 ext. 214 or email
More Information About
Early Intervention Colorado is available to children under the age of three years. The Coordinator for the Fremont, Custer, and Chaffee areas is located in Canon City. Public schools or BOCES are responsible for children ages three to five years. Some children’s disabilities and delays are not visible at birth, but only become apparent as the child develops or are the result of illness or injury.
For parents with a first child, it may be difficult to know for certain whether their child’s development is on schedule or is a bit extraordinary. It is always wise for parents to attend well-child checkups and discuss their child’s development with their child’s health care provider. Examples of such concerns might include delays in speech, crawling or walking, problems in eating, and behavioral issues such as tantrums, excessive fears, or withdrawing from people. Help is available for kids and parents in any of these situations.
Our community also believes all children should be screened for development, vision, and hearing. Our motto is “do your child a favor.” Parents can contact Project ECHO at 719-276-6176 to schedule a free screening of their child’s development, vision, and hearing for children living in Fremont and Custer Counties. Once a delay or disability has been determined, Early Intervention through Starpoint, focuses on supporting families with eligible babies and toddlers who may have a delay or disability. If you have questions about your child’s development, you can contact your local Child Find:
Buena Vista: 719-395-7029
Salida: 719-530-5375
Frequently Asked
How do I know if my child might need special help?
If you, a friend, or a family member have concerns about your child’s development you should refer your child for a screening. These concerns can be about a child’s speech, language, behavior, movement, learning, hearing, or vision. Referrals can also come from your pediatrician’s office.
What steps does the process include?
Step 1: Project ECHO screening or Referral
Step 2: Developmental Evaluation
Step 3: Planning Meeting
Step 4: In-Home Supports for Established Delays and Areas of Concern
What is a Developmental Evaluation?
A developmental evaluation assesses a child’s development in a playful format. In these assessments, Early Childhood Professionals will look at how your child talks, moves, uses materials, and interacts with their environment. These assessments help to determine areas where a child is excelling, and areas where they may need support in order to grow and thrive.
What does the planning meeting and In-Home support entail?
Each plan is completely unique to the child and his or her particular family, and are comprehensive addressing not only the needs of the child but also the needs of the entire family. These plans are required by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and can be either an Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP) or an Individualized Education Plan (IEP for children age 3 to 5). The in-home support that follows is conducted by a licensed professional and the family is the driver of the plan. This means that the family is 100% in charge of the plan and can decide how often and where this coaching may take place. Families will never receive a bill or any copays from us, as this service is 100% free.